Choosing the right time in terms of weather and climate would be the key step to enjoying your travel to the fullest.

Mongolia, the world’s second-largest landlocked country, has a continental climate with 4 seasons from extreme cold whitish winter to warm sunny summer. Yet Mongolia is a vast country and the weather can be quite different in the south and the north of Mongolia. Even though the summer months are the most favoured time to visit. The best time to visit Mongolia is from June through September with warm sunny days and has plenty of cultural events and adventurous festivals. Here are some tips to help you find the most suitable season for you to visit Mongolia.

Summer in Mongolia:

Mongolian summer in the Taiga forest, Khyvsgul province Mongolia

The peak travel season in Mongolia is in the summer months of June, July, and August, and for a good reason. Travel across Mongolia with relative ease to enjoy a wide-spanning array of activities. Unleash your inner nomad at the pasture of the Mongolian nomads in June, and then head to the Naadam Festival, the national celebration all over the country. Which is a huge reason for travelling to Mongolia. There are countless sites to visit and explore in the summer for nature lovers, with many activities to partake in and enjoy. For adventure seekers, there are plenty of things to do including horse riding, camelback riding, fishing, hiking, biking, photographing, bird watching, and wildlife observing.


  • The temperature ranges from 20°C to 25°C, Gobi temperatures this month can rise up to 35°C
  • Dry throughout the central and southern regions
  • The mountains and northern areas can be cold in August

Highlights in summer:

  • Mongolian Naadam Festival
  • Deeltei Mongol Naadam – A Mongolian Dress Festival
  • Local Naadam Festivals in the countryside
  • Yak festival
  • Reindeer festival

Things to do in summer:

  • Horseback riding
  • Stargazing
  • Stay in a ger /nomadic dwelling/ with a nomadic family
  • Camel /two-humped Bactrian camel/ trekking
  • Reindeer riding
  • Rafting
  • Birdwatching
  • Wildlife observing
  • Takhi, the wild horse observing
  • Tame a horse
  • Attend a nomadic wedding ceremony
  • Wildlife photographing



Autumn in western province of Mongolia

Nature is at its best in autumn featuring colourful landscapes and temperate weather and the beginning of Autumn is still a high season. The cool weather brings respite to the Gobi and the varying colours in the forests in the north are beautiful. October is again cool and sees the occasional or rare snow bustle up north but is still fine for travel, especially in the Gobi desert. From September to early November are good months to explore the nomadic life and nomad homestays. The cooler weather will make your nomad homestay pleasant with a bit of fire if required. You can do much exploration, learn from them, and volunteer during their busy time for the winter preparation



  • The temperature ranges from +10°C to +15°C in a daytime in September
  • Sunny days throughout the country with pleasant weather and stunning colours especially in the north and west.
  • The temperature in October is -4°C to +12°C daytime and -8°C to +5°C at night. The seasonal accommodation ger camps close October 5 through 1 May allowing you to experience authentic Mongolia and interact with the locals.

 Highlights in autumn:

  • Golden Eagle Festival
  • Harvest Festival
  • Nomadic migrations to the autumn or winter pasture lands.
  • Sealing Foals Celebration, a nomadic traditional custom

Things to do in autumn:

  • Horseback riding
  • Hiking
  • Stargazing
  • Get acquainted with falconry tradition, and birding tradition
  • Attend a Foal sealing celebration
  • Attend a nomadic wedding ceremony
  • Help nomadic families to migrate to their seasonal pasture land
  • Attend Golden Eagle Festival
  • Wildlife photographing
  • Wildlife observing


Winter begins in the Mountain

January is the coldest, and December is the second cold month in Mongolia. But no worries. There is more chance the land will be covered with snow and beautiful. The snow-covered land makes more warm feeling than the snowless area. And it is true because of the sunlight reflection on the snow. Mongolia is beautiful in winter with its glittering landscapes, fresh air, frozen rivers, lakes, and waterfalls. We suggest you not to travel to too remote areas in winter in order to prevent lack of emergency in case snow piles in snowstorm close the road or phone reception range etc. December and January are completely offseason. Nothing is touristic. In winter, we do not promise you comfortable king-size beds, WC, and shower at most accommodations in the countryside. Though, you certainly have in-depth cultural experiences of nomadic life while staying with nomad families and discover yourself among unique lifestyle, harsh climate, and winter scenery. Even though, the tourist accommodation ger camps work in the national parks near Ulaanbaatar. Of course, the tour price is lower than in summer. We are experts in winter travel with well-developed, activities and authentic experiences packed with winter tours. The comfort and enjoyment of our clients have always been our priority. Our staff and hosts will make sure you will stay warm and enjoy your tour wherever you go. Do you need some warm clothes? You can borrow our traditional clothes deel free. Deel has always been the most suitable cloth for Mongolian weather.



  • The temperature in the winter months are very low and ranges between -15°C to -37°C
  • The weather is dry and bitterly cold
  • The sky is clear blue, and the surrounding area is totally snow covered


  • Tsagaan Sar – The Mongolian Lunar New Year Celebration
  • Khuvsgul Ice Festival
  • A Thousand Camel Festival



Beautiful mountain behind Nomadic family in Mongolia

Spring is the time for the nomads to welcome newborn baby animals. We recommend you to come in spring for a stay with nomads if you are a curious traveller if you like adventures and are interested in culture at the same time as enjoying scenic places, attractions, and the vastness of Mongolia. Mongolian spring is windy, sometimes stormy, particularly in the Gobi desert. Spring is the low tourist season. As well as, the weather fluctuates more. There will not be many tourists. The seasonal accommodation ger camps close October 5 through 1 May allowing you to experience authentic Mongolia and interact with the locals. As well as, the tour price is low compared to summer. You can check our low season and winter tours.

Temperature: The temperature in February ranges from -15°C to -3°C daytime. The temperature in March is -8°C to +15°C daytime and -15°C to +5°C at night.


Way To Nomads 29 May 2021 Travel Advice no responses

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