snowy winter trip in Mongolia
Mongolia Tours

Mongolia Winter Ski & Dog Sledding Trip

Duration: 5 days 4 nights

Mongolian winter ski trip, you will traverse through the nomadic capital Ulaanbaatar,...

From 1,380 $ P 1,260 $
Mongolian gobi trip
Mongolia Tours

Mongolian Gobi Route 2024

Duration: 11 days 10 nights

Overview Traveling through the Mongolian Gobi desert and exploring the Orkhon River...

from 1,640 $ per person 1,640 $
Mongolian grand adventure
Mongolia Tours

Mystical Tsaatan Trail 2024

Duration: 16 days 15 nights

Overview Wandering through the northern part of Mongolia by horseback ride is...

2,280 $ per person 2,280 $
Mongolia Eagle hunting
Mongolia Tours

Mongolian Eagle Festival Short Tour

Duration: 5 days 4 nights

Overview Western regions of Mongolia is home to the real wilderness; nomadic...

per person 1,400 $
Mongolia Tours

Mongolian Gobi And Eagle Hunters Tour

Duration: 15 days 14 nights

Overview This combination of the Mongolian Gobi and the Eagle Hunters adventure...

2,280 $ per person 2,110 $
Mongolian grand adventure
Mongolia Tours

Mongolian Big Loop: From Gobi To Lakes

Duration: 19 days 18 nights

Overview Explore Mongolia's most of the must-visit places with this small-group adventure...

2,760 $ per person 2,760 $
Mongolian horse riding adventure tour
Mongolia Tours

Mongolia By Horse: Tour To Reindeer Herders & Shaman

Duration: 11 days 10 nights

Overview Wandering through the northern part of Mongolia by horseback ride is...

1,990 $ per person 1,890 $
Solo horse ride to Mongolia
Mongolia Tours

Mongolia Gobi and Khangai: Solo Horse Riding Tour

Duration: 13 days 12 nights

Overview Travel through the Mongolian Gobi desert and exploring the Khangai mountains...

2,040 $ per person 1,920 $
Mongolian gobi trip
Mongolia Tours

Mongolian Solo Adventure: All In One Tour

Duration: 22 days 21 nights

Overview Explore Mongolia's most of the must-visit places with this small-group adventure...

3,490 $ per person 3,460 $
Kazakh eagle hunters with their eagle
Mongolia Tours

Golden Eagle Festival and Altai Mountains Tour

Duration: 11 days 10 nights

Overview Hunting with eagles is a traditional form of falconry for thousands...

from 1,900 $ per person 1,840 $
Mongolia Eagle hunting
Mongolia Tours

Naadam Festival & Eagle Hunters Tour 2024

Duration: 13 days 12 nights

Overview This combination of the Naadam festival and the Eagle Hunters adventure tour...

from 2,150 $ per person 2,150 $
Mongolia horse riding tour
Mongolia Tours

Mongolia Horse Trekking & Naadam Festival

Duration: 9 days 8 nights

Overview Mongolia horse ride trip to nomadic Naadam Festival tour allows you...

1,560 $
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