For those who are real adventurers, we, the Way To Nomads team introducing the 5 biggest reasons to travel to Mongolia in this blog.

1. For the serenity, as the vast countryside will leave you speechless

Endless fairways of treeless green, patterned by the shadows of clouds; lakes for water hazards; pristine air; epic silence – there is a reason that Mongolians refer to their homeland as the land of the blue sky. Occasionally the scene is tweaked by a lonely ger (yurt) of white felt: the portable homes of Mongolia’s pastoralists dot the country’s vast landscape.

2. The World’s last surviving nomadic culture

A peaceful nomadic life, herding cattle, and wildlife as seasons change. A truly once-in-a-lifetime experience is to live alongside nomadic families, getting up with them in the morning to milk the cows, collect water and help cook the day’s meals. It’s a humbling and enlightening experience that takes you back to what life is really about.

3. Untouched by modern life

Except for the big capital, Mongolia is untouched by modern life and more importantly: undiscovered by mass tourism. This will soon change, as the country is increasingly popular and infrastructure is getting better quickly. This is the place to go, now. More pure, authentic experience is hard to find in a world where nowadays no place seems undiscovered.

4. Mongolia has a lot to offer to any type of travellers

The beautiful countryside of Mongolia has a lot to offer to all kinds of travellers starting from cultural and natural discovery tours to active adventure and special interest tours, which you can experience in any part of Mongolia.

5. Only in Mongolia

There are many endemic wild species in Mongolia such as the Gobi/Semi desert bear and the two-humped wild camel. Besides animals, there are also rare plants. The Gobi, which is classified as a semi-desert is only in Mongolia. It is a spacious, empty, life-supporting, but surprisingly beautiful area. In reality, it’s impossible to compare the Gobi with the semi-desert, so you had better come and see this for yourself.

Way To Nomads 15 December 2018 Cultural Travel no responses
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